MyMagicOfficial H4CK3D

MyMagicOfficial H4CK3D
Autor: Redacción / Noventa Grados | Fecha: 2 de Enero de 2018 a las 07:31:34

MyMagicOfficial H4CK3D
[ MyMagicOfficial H4CK3D ]
MyMagicOfficial -&- Hedef Yeniden UnderGrounD...
Enter Password: L**Me**04***xF**t**U*n**8***ç
[root@MyMagicOfficial]# Last login: c_time
[root@MyMagicOfficial]# 404 Fatal ERROR

MyMagicOfficial H4CK3D

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MyMagicOfficial H4CK3D

We Turks are pure and dignified and we treasure justice and the truth like no other.
Were your anchestors not sent to our homeland, a nation a world apart from you. Were you given a good reason to fight us? No. And did we not fight you back with dignity and when you fell as our captives, did we not show compassion and respect?
We have never once wronged another race nor will we ever commit such crimes. But fact remains: we have been the ones to be wronged. -B0ZM4G1C^ <3

Tunisian People

[root@MyMagicOfficial]# Demands --->

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